Why is Earth Day on the 22nd of April?

During the early 1970’s, many people were concerned about environmental issues. Air pollution, water pollution, and the effects of pesticides were all issues that people were concerned about.

Senator Gaylord Nelson, an American politician from Wisconsin, wanted to create a day where students could rally against environmental degradation. He believed the energy of students who protested against the Vietnam War could also be used to support environmental causes. He announced the idea of a national environmental teach-in on college campuses. He recruited a young activist named Denis Hayes to coordinate the events. Hayes’ team brought together a variety of groups to promote Earth Day.

The first Earth Day was a spectacular success. It was held on April 22, 1970. It prompted President Richard Nixon to establish the Environmental Protection Agency. It also inspired the Clean Water Act and the Toxic Substances Control Act.

After the first Earth Day, the environmental movement began to grow. Environmental regulations were created, education was developed, and the issue of air pollution was placed on the national agenda. The Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act followed.

The Environmental Protection Agency still exists today. On Earth Day, people gather at dozens of locations to rally for the environment. People also take action by planting trees, recycling, composting, and other activities.

Earth Day has grown into a global movement. It is celebrated in 193 countries and reaches more than one billion people each year. This year, the theme is “End Plastic Pollution.” People can learn about environmental issues and help protect the environment by volunteering, donating to environmental organizations, planting trees, and creating gardens.

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