Why is Earth Day on April 22nd?
During the 1960s, a group of environmentalists came up with the idea of Earth Day. They wanted to raise awareness about the effects of industrialization on the environment.
They realized that there was a need for more education and regulations to prevent pollution. They also realized that people could be motivated to take action. This led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, a federal agency that still exists today.
The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin and activist Denis Hayes thought it would be a good idea to organize a nationwide teach-in on environmental topics. The event was a success. It inspired an estimated 20 million Americans to take action on the environment.
In 1990, Earth Day spread across the United States and became an international event. It also helped pave the way for the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. This event is now an annual celebration that inspires people all over the world to take action against climate change.
Earth Day was a response to the growing public concern about the environment. In the 1970s, Americans consumed a huge amount of leaded gas. They also belched out smoke and sludge without fear of consequences. The smell of prosperity, if not the health dangers of polluted air, were commonplace.
The first Earth Day was inspired by a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. On January 28, 1969, well being drilled off the coast blew out. Three million gallons of oil leaked into the ocean. The Santa Barbara oil spill inspired Senator Gaylord Nelson to take action. He urged President John F. Kennedy to go on a conservation tour.