What is Earth Day and Why is it Celebrated Annually?

WORLD EARTH DAY is an annual event that reminds mankind to protect the world’s endangered species and environment. The day is celebrated every April 22nd in the United States. It has now become an annual event in over 190 countries.

It has also become a way for people to show their support for environmental protection. Earth Day encourages people to plant trees and recycle items. It also encourages them to donate money, volunteer for the environment, and meet with elected officials.

The first Earth Day, held on April 22, 1970, addressed the effects of air pollution, toxic drinking water, and pesticides. It was organized by Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin. It helped put environmental issues on the national agenda in the U.S. He wanted to bring the same energy that was used in the anti-war movement to environmental issues.

On Earth Day, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of many American cities to raise awareness about the environmental issues facing the country. The first Earth Day inspired the passage of the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

The first Earth Day also gave way to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is a branch of the federal government that oversees the country’s environmental laws. The agency was formed in 1970.

In 2000, Earth Day had a global theme: clean energy. That year, over 250,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C., to protest against climate change. The United Nations General Assembly formally recognized April 22nd as International Mother Earth Day in 2009.

Earth Day has become a global movement, spanning more than 141 countries. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report in 2022 that outlined “rapid, deep, and immediate” cuts to carbon dioxide emissions.

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