When is Earth Day Celebrated?
Thousands of individuals across the globe participate in activities and events centered around Earth Day. While many of these events may be local, the goal is the same: to educate and encourage people to protect the environment.
Earth Day’s origins can be traced back to 1970. The event was inspired by Senator Gaylord Nelson, who was concerned about the environment. He thought that the time was right to create a day of environmental awareness.
Before 1970, there were no national environmental laws in place. But, with the passage of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Safe Drinking Water Act, the government was taking steps to protect the environment.
In 1970, Gaylord Nelson had an idea to organize a national environmental awareness day. He wanted to shake up the political establishment, and he believed that the best way to do this was to create a massive, nationwide environmental protest.
The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970. Although the event was small in scale, it did produce a lot of interest. It attracted twenty million Americans, which was an unprecedented figure at the time.
The day was marked by a number of major events, including a rally in Washington D.C., a demonstration in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia, and several other programs and speeches across the country. Some of the programs targeted young people and farmers.
Although the first Earth Day was small in scale, it did inspire a number of important environmental laws in the U.S., including the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) in 1976.